Partners in Community Forestry

Partners in Community Forestry

Alliance for Community 加拿大28回水木一天

November 19, 2024

$199 member $299 non member

Presented by: The Arbor Day Foundation

Event 信息rmation

构成我们社区的加拿大28回水木也激励我们共同努力,让我们的城镇变得更好. Not only are trees at the heart of our missions, but they keep us connected throughout the year as we 学习 and grow together, 作为一个网络. Together we’re inspiring new tree planters and planting more trees than ever before. Alone, in our communities, we can do so little. But working together, 作为一个网络, we can do so much. 知道我们在一起会变得更强大,将使我们继续提高对加拿大28回水木的认识,将其作为解决世界上一些最紧迫问题的办法. For over 30 years Alliance for Community 加拿大28回水 (ACT) members have planted, 关心 , and advocated for trees, changing the landscape of our community habitat. 加入 us this year at ACT Day to network, 学习, 并在我们共同加强这个网络和行业的过程中,受到会员和其他行业专业人士的启发.

This meeting offers:

  • Peer-to-peer 学习 opportunities
  • 网络
  • Educational sessions


To attend please register here:


Tentative, subject to change.
All events are at the Palmer House Chicago unless otherwise noted

  Tuesday, November 19, 2024

  一般会话: Urban Forestry in the Great Lakes Region

  • The Roots to Chicago’s Tree Ambassador Program
    Melinda Escobar, Morton Arboretum

    Raed Mansour, Chicago Department of Public Health

    Summary: This presentation will go over the Tree Ambassador Program (TAP), a unique tailored program to the City of Chicago. It is a collaborative effort between the City of Chicago, The Morton Arboretum’s Chicago Region 加拿大28回水 Initiative (CRTI), and community organizations. Its aim is to boost resident support for expanding tree canopy, 宣传, and engagement in key areas. TAP赠款提供资金和培训,以增强社区团体在其网络内保护加拿大28回水木的能力.

    Starting the Seed in 克利夫兰’s Workforce
    Amanda Wood, 霍尔顿森林 & 花园

    Summary: Standing at a stark 18% canopy cover, 克利夫兰, OH has a goal to increase tree canopy to 30% by 2040. Meeting this goal will require serious time, funds, and trained people working together.

    霍尔顿森林 & 花园, an arboretum in NE Ohio, meets this need with Tree Corps CREW, 这是一个有报酬的工作项目,既照顾加拿大28回水木,又为服务不足的社区创造学习加拿大28回水木栽培技能的机会. 该项目是一个范例,可以在其他地方得到借鉴,以改善培训,并让社区参与创造可持续的加拿大28回水冠.

    Miyawaki in Detroit, Michigan
    Fai Foen & Christina Ridella, The Greening of Detroit

    Kate Gmyrek, City of Detroit

    Summary: As part of the City of Detroit’s pilot Nature Pockets Program, 环保非营利组织“底特律绿化”倡导在拉斯基娱乐中心后面的大片土地上种植宫崎森林(裸根), in addition to a larger tree (1.5” caliper) and meadow installation to create two distinct woodland developmental patterns. The bareroot tree and shrub Miyawaki Forest was installed in May 2024. 我们希望分享这个项目,为美国中西部造林项目的集体研究做出贡献.

    Urban Forestry in the Great Lakes Region Q&A

  一般会话: Resilient Communities Lightning Round

  • Research Where You Live, Learn, Work, and Recreate
    Phil Rodbell; USDA Forest Service

    本报告将介绍美国农业部林业局城市野外站的工作,以及60多名专注于城市森林可持续性的研究科学家. This work includes the study and publication of findings and tools on ecosystem management, tree canopy assessment, stewardship activities, local governance, and data collection in collaboration with universities, 政府, and community-based organizations. Participants will 学习 how to engage, 合作伙伴, 并利用科学家的工作来支持城市和社区林业以及组织的可持续性.

    Adapting Tree 种植 Methods for a Changing Climate
    Valerie Tamburri, TreeFolks

    Summary: Extreme weather events and prolonged drought impact tree planting projects across Central Texas. TreeFolks再造林小组正在尝试各种方法来提高加拿大28回水木的存活率.

    Bridging the Gap: Forgotten 首页s The Making of a Resilient Community
    Joe Wheelock, Heartland Tree Alliance

    摘要:为了种植加拿大28回水木,创造一个能够应对极端天气的社区,我们必须解决与公用事业公司竞争的挑战和障碍, municipalities and governmental liaison agencies to plant trees. We have identified several community strategies that have provided some success both short and long-term. Creating communities that are green, 健康的, 蓬勃发展需要弥合差距,与非传统的合作伙伴建立关系,并致力于建立真正的关系.

    Resilient Communities Q&A

  一般会话: 加拿大28回水 and Technology

  • 加拿大28回水 are People Too: Tracking 加拿大28回水 Through a CRM
    David Meshoulam, Speak for the 加拿大28回水

    Summary: Tracking the condition, 大小, and location of trees - whether they be planted trees or trees given away - is always a challenge. This is especially true when trees are distributed across communities and have different tree "owners". 本次演讲探讨了“为加拿大28回水说话”如何在其成分关系管理(CRM)系统中开发加拿大28回水木跟踪系统,将加拿大28回水木与人联系起来,并跟踪加拿大28回水木的位置和健康状况.

    Engage with MyTree and Our加拿大28回水
    Ana Castillo, The Davey Institute

    总结:让人们对加拿大28回水木感到兴奋——或者让我们面对现实吧:让他们更好地了解加拿大28回水木的好处——可能是一项艰巨的任务. i-Tree has two free and easy-to-use tools to help you engage with audiences and potential stakeholders. Both tools provide quick estimates on carbon dioxide mitigation, storm water impacts, and air pollution removal. MyTree在地面上处理单个加拿大28回水木,而Our加拿大28回水则在整个社区中查看加拿大28回水冠. Both tools can be useful self-discovery tools as well as provide guided interactions.

    Cultivating Resilience: Post-Disaster Urban Forestry
    Mike Oxendine; OUR Community Forestry

    c. Summary: Following the destructive Almeda Wildfire, 人才, 俄勒冈州, confronted not only recovery but the prospect of renewal. 这次演讲重点介绍了迈克·奥克森丁与我们的社区林业和合作伙伴一起造林人才中学和人才小学的开创性项目. Through collaborative efforts, innovative technology, and community involvement, 这一举措不仅为社区的恢复带来了希望,也为面临挑战的城市林业事业加拿大28回水立了标杆.

    加拿大28回水 and Technology Q&A

  一般会话: Urban Forestry Programs

  • Community-Guided Strategies for Shade Equity
    Eileen Garcia, TreePeople

    摘要:TreePeople开发了城市森林管理计划,将社区引导的战略整合到加拿大28回水荫公平建设中. 包括实践活动在内的讲习班对于通过气候和人类健康框架指导城市森林管理战略至关重要. We will present the workshop process, our findings, and emergent strategies. 进一步, 我们将讨论植加拿大28回水活动的社区组织者如何将这些策略转化为实际决策和加拿大28回水.

    Growing an Urban Forestry Program
    Mark Cassini; Community Greening

    Summary: Exploring strategies on developing a successful urban forestry campaign. We'll explore tactics to increase involvement in tree planting initiatives, which includes 学习 from established ACT organizations and developing planting programs, to engagement and marketing strategies. Learn practical insights and actionable takeaways to boost participation, attract volunteers and donors, and increase organization & mission awareness.

    Organizing Your Tree Distribution
    Lauren Jones, Shreveport Green

    Summary: Step by step discussion on the best ways to set up and efficiently flow tree distribution projects. We will be drawing from our experiences and applying our best practices.

    The Soil Soldiers
    Jaffee Judah; Recycle & 再投资

    Summary: The Soil Soldiers is a program under Recycle and 再投资 led by Jaffee Judah. It engages youth in environmental stewardship and green career opportunities. Through activities like planting trees, content creation, and soil science, 该项目旨在使得不到充分服务的青年和受司法系统影响的青年成为社区领袖.

    The Push for Healthier, Longer-Lived 加拿大28回水 in the Urban Core
    Alex Beasley, 加拿大28回水 Atlanta


    Cross-Sector Lessons in Urban Orcharding
    Ashley Williamson, The Giving Grove

    在城市食物森林和花园中,水果、坚果加拿大28回水和浆果等多年生食物越来越普遍. Through little orchards, and engagement and collaboration with local foresters and partners, 我们可以让我们的当地社区参与学习和关心我们的城市景观,而不仅仅是花园空间,保护我们现有的城市森林的健康. 加入 us and hear about some of our lessons 学习ed, and how we can be more collaborative and aware by working together.

  一般会话: 加拿大28回水苗圃 Panel

  • 加拿大28回水苗圃 Lessons Learned
    Megan Palomo, Tree Pittsburgh

    Mark Cassini, Community Greening

    Jake Roeckle, Forest ReLeaf of Missouri

    Kyle Derr, Casey 加拿大28回水

    Summary: There is a growing need for diverse tree stock in cities across the nation, and a number of ACT member organizations responded by starting their own tree nursery. Four experienced panelists will share their nursery stories and discuss lessons 学习ed along the way. 每个小组成员将解释他们独特的观点和加拿大28回水木生长策略,以激励和授权其他组织与他们的成功模式.

  一般会话: Environmental Justice in Urban Forestry

  • Community-Guided Strategies for Shade Equity
    Eileen Garcia, TreePeople

    摘要:TreePeople开发了城市森林管理计划,将社区引导的战略整合到加拿大28回水荫公平建设中. 包括实践活动在内的讲习班对于通过气候和人类健康框架指导城市森林管理战略至关重要. We will present the workshop process, our findings, and emergent strategies. 进一步, 我们将讨论植加拿大28回水活动的社区组织者如何将这些策略转化为实际决策和加拿大28回水.

    Holistic Urban Forestry – Public Engagement from Seed-Slab
    Jessica Sanders; Sacramento Tree Foundation

    摘要:利用马斯洛需求层次理论参与城市林业是一个常见的障碍,这需要一个高水平的实现来创建绿色社区. While many try to create inclusive urban forestry programs without multiple entry points for engagement, 学习, and participation - the best intentions fall flat. The Sacramento Tree Foundation has refreshed its programs to care for the community of trees and our staff. Cultivating an inclusive urban forestry model from seed to slab in the Sacramento region.

    People-Powered Community Forests
    Amos White; 100k 加拿大28回水 for Humanity

    Summary: If it takes a village to raise a child, What does it take to raise a tree? Hear from 100K 加拿大28回水 for Humanity founder and Chief 种植 Officer Amos White, 讲述他们的非营利组织如何在一场以人为本的公民运动中筹集数千棵社区加拿大28回水木,以种植加州市政城市加拿大28回水冠,使其占气候的30%, 对股票, and for public health by 2030.

    Engaging Diverse Communities in Urban and Community Forestry: Lessons and Strategies from ACT Members
    Dr. Christine Carmichael, Fair Forest Consulting

    摘要:从有意与社区和企业合作,到促进租房者和业主之间关于加拿大28回水木的对话, ACT member organizations are seeing success with a range of engagement strategies. 本演讲将总结一些吸引正在工作的不同社区的方法,以及一些反思问题,这些问题将帮助他们根据需要进行调整.


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